And it came from Alexis Nungaray, a woman who knows firsthand the kind of tragedy inflicted on the country by the open-borders policy championed by former President Joe Biden and his lockstep political party.
The mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old girl brutally murdered in 2024 by illegal immigrants from Venezuela, Alexis Nungaray damned the Democrats in language that her fellow Americans needed to hear.
“I found it very cowardly that a lot of the Democrats didn’t stand, didn’t clap. They didn’t do anything to support anything that Donald Trump is trying to do as president to make this country better,” Nungaray told Fox News’ Sean Hannity.
“It was very shameful for the Democratic [Party].”
Trump highlighted the Jocelyn Nungaray murder in one of the speech’s most memorable moments, when he unveiled an executive order that renamed a wildlife refuge in Galveston Bay, Texas, after her.
And as the video below shows, many Democrats refused to applaud the move.
Nungaray, who mouthed the words “thank you” to Trump during the speech, had a right to be furious with his political opponents.
But in her Hannity interview, she sounded almost clinically detached, describing Democrats as virtually unhinged from the kind of basic morality Americans should expect from their politicians — even liberal politicians.
“They don’t stand for anything humane,” she said. “They don’t stand for us as citizens, they don’t stand for our security. They don’t stand for honorable things that we need in this country.
“It’s just very disgraceful to us as U.S. citizens that those are the people that we have here in Congress — the House and Senate. It’s disgusting.”
This is the political party that stood by for four years as the Biden White House perpetrated what amounted to a fraud on the American people by pretending a blatantly corrupt, clearly diminished Joe Biden was both worthy and up to the task of leading the United States.
It’s a political party that has prioritized the supposed rights of millions upon millions of illegal immigrants over those of the country’s citizens.
It’s a political party that can even turn its back on mothers who’ve lost their daughters to vicious murderers — like Nungaray and Alysson Phillips, the mother of murdered nursing student Laken Riley.
The pain of those women is politically inconvenient to the progressive left. Their children are simply necessary sacrifices to achieve an agenda — collateral damage in the war to transform the nation Abraham Lincoln described as the “last, best hope of earth” into another collectivist hellhole.
That’s the reality of American politics and the modern Democratic Party.
It’s one Alexis Nungaray has experienced in ways few ever will.
And it’s what Americans need to understand — Democrats most of all.